Summer camp China 2019

From Zhengzhou to Dengfeng to Beijing

In July 2019, five high schools in Flanders chosen by the Chinese embassy were offered spots to go to a Summer Camp in China. The Chinese Embassy organised this camp to promote its country and make it appealing for future studies. I was very lucky that my school was chosen for this amazing opportunity.

The summer camp consisted of a wide variety of activities that gave me a chance to see the best of China. I visited a variety of historical sites, such as Tiananmen Square and The Summer Palace, and I explored the charming streets of Beijing. I took part in fun activities, including an art class to make authentic Chinese knots and a kung-fu class to learn the martial art. One weekend, I even stayed over at a host family. All of these experiences allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the country and its people.

A 'normal day' at summer camp

My days on summer camp would start at 7:30 and end at 22:30 during the week. I would have Kongfu or Chinese lessons daily during the week. In the evening we would have a small Chinese culture activity, for example chinese knotting, paper cutting, tea ceremony, calligraphy, etc. On the weekend, we would have guided tours in high schools or visit national landmarks in China. My personal travel highlights were visiting The Great Wall of China in Beijing, The Summer Palace in Kunming Lake, and The Longmen Grottoes.

  • 07:30-08:30 : Waking up, getting ready and eating breakfast
  • 09:00-12:00 : Happy Chinese and Kongfu learning
  • 12:30-14:30 : Lunch and rest
  • 15:00-17:00 : Happy Chinese and Kongfu learning
  • 17:30-18:30 : Dinner and getting ready
  • 19:00-21:00 : Chinese culture activity

The two weeks I spent in China were an unforgettable experience. It was an incredible experience full of learning, exploring, and making memories. I was able to appreciate Chinese culture first-hand and make new friends from all around the world. From seeing the Great Wall to learning about traditional Chinese art, I was able to gain a new admiration for this beautiful country. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have attended this summer camp and will always cherish the memories I made there.